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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

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Many years ago in Israel was a man whose name was Gideon.
Gideon was threshing wheat one day, all alone, no help from anyone.
Suddenly an angel of the Lord did appear and said to Gideon,
"Go and save your people from the sin and their foe the King of Midian!"

Gideon did call upon the Lord for a sign to tell him what to do.
With a woolen fleece upon the ground, God did answer with the morning dew.
With an army of three hundred men, God provided Gideon a plan
With a covered lamp and trumpet call, and a shout and cry from ev'ry man!

In the dark of night when all was still in the camp of Midian the foe,
Gideon did climb a nearby hill and surveyed enemy below.
Quietly his men did gather round; they prepared to fight with Midian
With a battle cry and shout, "The sword of the Lord and that of Gideon!"

Gideon did win the victory; God was faithful for His servant true.
Gideon did trust upon the Lord; he believed the Lord would see him through!
Many years have come and gone since then, but the story never will grow old.
'Tis an inspiration for us all; O for faith and trust to make us bold!

Blow the trumpet, sound the call!
Let your light shine out for all!
Shout with triumph with your voice!
Win the vict'ry and rejoice!

Uploaded on October 6th, 2008 at 11:00pm and has 146 views!


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