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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Hark, A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding

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Translated by Edward Caswall, 1849 from the original Latin
Neues geistreiches Gesangbuch
8. 7. 8. 7.
Text from Romans 13:11
Authored: circa 900

From: O Der Alles, Neues geistreiches Gesangbuch (Halle, Germany: 1705).

Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding!
"Christ is nigh," we hear it say;
"Cast away the works of darkness,
O ye children of the day."

Startled at the solemn warning,
Let the earth-bound soul arise;
Christ, her Sun, all sloth dispelling,
Shines upon the morning skies.

Lo, the Lamb, so long expected,
Comes with pardon down from heaven.
Let us haste, with tears of sorrow,
One and all to be forgiven;

That, when next He comes with glory
And the world is wrapped in fear,
He may shield us with His mercy,
And with words of love draw near.

Honor, glory, might, dominion,
To the Father and the Son,
With the everlasting Spirit,
While eternal ages run!


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