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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Heavenly Peace

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Zion's Perlenchöre 77

O gift from heaven, God's precious peace,
Sent from my Saviour, blessed release;
Deep in my spirit, He pours His grace,
By His redemption, sins are effaced;
Precious peace!
Peace, where my soul finds His sweet embrace.

Since my dear Jesus granted me rest,
I am surrendered to Him and blest;
O how He suffered there on the cross!
Love and His death have saved me from loss;
Precious peace!
Peace, for His death hath cleansed me from dross.

Jesus, reveal Thyself more each day,
That peace in fullness I may portray;
As a kind father good gifts imparts,
Thus God bestows His peace in our hearts;
Precious peace!
Peace bids the clouds of trouble depart.

Now my dear Jesus lives in my soul,
How I rejoice in peace wonderful!
When with Thy flock, I dwell on God's Word,
Singing Thy praise in sweetest accord;
Precious peace!
Peace here abounds and faith is restored.

Take Thou, O Lord, my heart unto Thee;
Truly in meekness, like Thee I'd be,
And consecrated to Thee alone,
Trusting Thy blood my sins to atone;
Precious peace!
Peace, thus in suff'ring, joy is yet known.

Lord, with Thy peace, may my life be blest,
That I, through trials, yet may find rest.
And though on darkened pathways I plod;
Yea, when through death's dark valley I've trod;
Precious peace!
Peace, O uplift and take me to God.

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