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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Sowing And Harvest

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Words/Music: arr. from "Neues Kirchen und Hauss Gesang der Tochter Zion", Cologne 1741
Alternate Zion's Harp Numbers: 15, 33, 35, 52
Meter: 8.7.8.D.

Tearful sowing brings glad harvest
Where our Master's will is done,
When for Him, the Lord of harvest,
Through His Spirit fruits are grown.
Love, humility and meekness,
Faith and faith through trials drear,
While our Saviour thus enlightens
And in this way draws us near.

Days of suff'ring beneficial
For the Master's brethren here;
As these bodily afflictions
Chasten those who God do fear.
As the gold by fire is brightened,
Also patience, purity,
Righteousness, although in weakness,
Are here found in unity.

Passing are the flesh's afflictions,
Transient are the spirit's needs.
Passing are all vain affections,
Not the everlasting deeds.
Pain and torture soon are ended
In those who Christ do possess;
Therefore, brethren, be contented
To remain in truth and grace.

Many strong temptations meet us
Who united are with Christ.
Satan boldly would delude us
That with him we should unite;
He would have us seek the pleasures
Which at last will bring remorse;
Yet these vain and passing treasures
In the end would prove a curse.

Satan's host through seeming gladness
Shall go unto endless pain,
But the saints by way of sadness
Shall the marriage-supper gain.
Then, my soul, let nothing move thee
From the straight and narrow way,
Even though the body weaken,
Ere you reach your burial-day.

Since our Lord once bore the anger,
When he wrought our peace with God,
Love is now the only purpose
Of the Father's chastening rod.
Then, O Pilgrim, think not lightly
Of the Father's chastening;
Seek that it may bring you onward,
While you're heavenward hastening.

With correction, God remindeth
Every child that it must be;
And the more of fruit he findeth
On Christ's branches, fair to see.
All the more the shoots that hinder,
He doth prune with watchful eye,
That more fruit each branch may render
For His kingdom there on high.

As the sultry days of summer
Swiftly ripen earthly grain,
So in days of dire affliction
Shall our faith its growth attain.
And beneath this heat and burden
Shall the Christian be prepared
For his happy home in heaven,
Where God's bliss and joy is shared.

Soon, perhaps, you too may enter
Where the golden harps resound;
Where the saints the palms are bearing
And the faithful ones are crowned;
Therefore, cling to Christ your Saviour;
Daily wrestle, hope, and fight;
With Him pierce through all the darkness
Into His eternal light.

If He all your heart is filling,
Is the Hope of all your dreams,
From your body will be welling
Of His grace the brightest beams.
All the light of morning breaking
Ushers in a joyous day,
So your lips with fervor speaking,
Will declare: Christ is the way!

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