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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

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Nay, I will not sorrow!
Who knows if tomorrow
Light will shine for me?
He who safely guideth,
All good things provideth,
Ne'er will part from me.
If indeed
His hand shall lead,
Though on dark way He should carry,
Should I doubt or worry?

Nay, I will not murmur,
But in faith grow firmer,
Though His help delays;
When my heart is longing,
When my tears come thronging,
He'll not hide His face.
Becomes offence;
Tests and trials are our training;
Let us cease complaining.

Nay, I'll not be choosing,
Lest, His help refusing,
I should be deceived;
My imperfect vision,
Sees but the beginning,
Not the end achieved.
My own choice
Would ne'er suffice;
Though He hides His plans unshaken,
God is ne'er mistaken.

In my God confiding,
And in faith abiding,
Hope shall cheer my heart;
Though the storms be blowing,
God His love is showing;
Love heals ev'ry smart.
Ev'ry weight
Love will abate;
May I but in tribulation
Win His approbation.

Do I seem forsaken?
Is my spirit shaken,
Knowing not God's will?
Yet in all affliction
I'll accept correction
In submission still.
He'll provide what's good and right;
All my earthly tribulation
Serves to my salvation.

Oft through bitter conflict,
Yet to peaceful concord
Leads my pilgrim way;
He who fought so glorious,
Over death victorious,
He will near me stay;
Thou, O Lord, O'ercam'st the world,
So we'll conquer in believing,
Victory achieving.

Uploaded on October 10th, 2024 at 6:51am and has 22 views!


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